About Us

Quality Standards

Being in the marine industry since 1988, Power Pux President Paul Payne has gained a very well known reputation for his strengths in recognizing the importance of Customer Satisfaction in every aspect.

Focusing on only the best possible quality products and SUPERIOR CUSTOMER SERVICE since the beginning of this journey has led him into many opportunities to serve in leadership and management roles for some of the top Boat Manufacturers in the world including supervising a large production team for SeaRay Boats Inc., Service/Customer Service Manager at Hell's Bay Boatworks, and as the Operations Manager for Atlantic Boat Repair.

Quality has always been number one in the continued success of exceeding Customers' Expectations. Along with the experience level earned after 32 years, we promise things will only get better in our continued effort to strive for excellence.


Power Pux began as an idea to solve a large concern among a select known group of anglers who were frustrated with the available options for powering their trolling motors. 

The locations and placement of the plugs were undesirable, sometimes dangerous and often created a domino effect of other issues, including water leaks in dry storage lockers. 

The length of the power cords leading to those plugs was also clumsy, defaced the look of the boat, along with being a trip hazard and a potential nuisance for fishing lines.

It seemed picking out the gel coat colors for the new boat was often an easier decision than deciding how to get power to the trolling motor. 

In 2013, Power Pux President Paul Payne asked one of his customers "What if you could just set your trolling motor on the boat and it would already be plugged in?"

Fueled by the excitement from that customer's reactions, Paul began further head-scratching, drawing up diagrams and biting his lip, as more and more customers continued to bring up the subject and stating that "There has to be a better way."

In 2015, after Paul determined how the product could be designed to work and realizing that this idea was going to make a huge difference for so many people,  further research began to escalate to determine how to make this product foolproof in every way possible. 

Many conflicts and fears presented themselves, and focus had to go into each one of them to make sure all avenues were considered and addressed. 

In August 2018, the first prototype was created,and testing began to escalate even more. 

Numerous engineering change requests were submitted in an effort to eliminate each and every possible concern. Each change request of course delayed the eventual approval and release of the final product. 

Paul realized at this point that the only way to make this product available to those who would want it was to build a business around it in order to gain the capital to cover the suddenly very evident expenses that it was going to cost to manufacture, market and create awareness abroad. 

In April 2019, Power Pux was licensed as an S-Corporation and all articles and licensing required to begin operating as a legal business were filed.

Throughout the following year, two prototypes were installed on boats belonging to high profile fishermen who would be tasked with testing, criticizing and offering suggestions for product improvement. Fortunately, only positive results came from the testing after a very hard run in the harshest saltwater conditions. 

This was the final green flag for Power Pux to move forward with production and to begin marketing the product. 

In February 2020, Paul Payne found it necessary to resign his high profile position as the Service/Customer Service Manager for Hell's Bay Boatworks in order to pursue the numerous tasks at hand with starting up the new company. Power Pux is officially operating and now manufacturing products and taking online sales direct from the website.